The first dialogue in our series is an interview by Barbara Vogl and Claudia L'Amoreaux with Humberto Maturana, whose radical insights into cognition and living systems are leading to a profound synthesis of mind, matter and life in all the sciences. For an excellent introduction to Maturana's work, we recommend reading Fritjof Capra's The Web of Life. We are editing the videotape now, and transcribing it so we can share it with you here in the near future, in streaming video and text. Coming soon: Claudia L'Amoreaux and Barbara Vogl in dialogue with Bela H. Banathy (Systems Design of Education, Educational Technology Publications, 1991); Barbara Vogl in dialogue with Ervin Laszlo (Macroshift 2001 - 2010,, Inc., 2000); and Humberto Maturana and Heinz von Foerster in dialogue with each other. |